Elon Musk’s cyborg technology

Let me start by apologizing for the rather radical shift in the nature of my post today, but this is actually a reflection of my ongoing scientific research. I do believe, however, that this shift presents itself quite appropriately. Our technological apparatus is advancing in such a rapid pace that I believe human-machine symbiosis isContinueContinue reading “Elon Musk’s cyborg technology”

Ad Hoc: Complexity in Science, Culture and Society

The research group Complexity met on April 1st of 2019 at the Research College for Human Sciences (Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften) in Bad Homburg, Germany to participate in a discussion with the South African cosmolgist George Ellis. His recent work “The Dynamical Emergence of Biology From Physics: Branching Causation via Biomolecules” was the basis for the workshop heldContinueContinue reading “Ad Hoc: Complexity in Science, Culture and Society”